Raphael has been known as the Rolls Royce of artists' brushes for over 100 years
Founded in Paris in 1793 and owned and operated by the Sauer family since 1859, Raphael is the oldest fine art brush maker in Europe. Following the time-honored tradition of master and apprentice, the highly skilled craftswomen of Raphael must train for years before they are ready to produce a Raphael brush. The finest hairs and bristles are imported from all over the world and hand-sorted to ensure the highest quality. Every brush made by Raphael is made with the artist in mind.
Raphael created the first filbert style brush, and they still continue to be innovative in the field. New advancements in research and development have produced some of the best quality synthetic brushes in the world. Traditional methods have been passed down to ensure the finest quality, and extensive research has gone into the manufacturing process. This means that artificial fibers, such as Kaerell, constitute brushes of superior quality, as all aspects of brush making practice have been employed with the same attention to detail as warrants natural fibers.