Rosemary Tisch Dagger
The Tisch Daggers are made from 100% Natural Bristle. They are scratchy and organic in their nature. This is the brush Andrew has designed, for an organic stroke. Should you wish for a sharper, tighter edge you might like to try our Ivory Daggers
They are made on our regular black handles and are available on both long and short handles.
“I paint a wide variety of subjects that require different technical approaches, therefore, I need a wide range of brushes that will allow me to create an engaging sense of reality across many genres. Rosemary and Co make the best brushes out there. I choose these brushes for their reliability and absolute quality” Andrew Tischler, 2018.
A favourite for landscapes, seascapes, building up texture and foliage.
The Tisch Daggers work best in Oils & Acrylics.

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